9 datasets found

Tags: height

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  • Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 9C

    Deployed in November 2014, the Meteorological Station is located at Pier 9C of the Halifax Ocean Terminals. The station consists of an RM Young Model 85004 anemometer, mounted...
  • Lewisporte Tide Station

    This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The...
  • Corner Brook Tide Station

    This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The...
  • St. John's Tide Station

    Installation of the St. John's Tide Station was undertaken in early 2014 with the site becoming operational on May 22, 2014. The Station is located at Pier 18 on the St. John's...
  • XEOS HK4 Buoy Wave Sensor

    The Brizo is a GNSS-based, directional wave height sensor. Developed by Xeos Technologies, it is a breakthrough product on the market that provides significant wave height,...
  • Channel-Port Aux Basques Tide Station

    The Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument...
  • XEOS H1 Buoy Wave Sensor

    Buoy H1 is a lateral navigation buoy deployed in the vicinity of Duncan Reef. The buoy’s position (44 29.6001N, 063 30.5655W) (DD MM.MMMM). The BRIZO sensor is being sponsored...
  • XEOS HKB Buoy Wave Sensor

    The Brizo is a GNSS-based, directional wave height sensor. Developed by Xeos Technologies, it is a breakthrough product on the market that provides significant wave height,...
  • Potash Terminal Tide and Meteorological Station

    Near-real time access to physical environmental observations such as local wind and sea levels are some of the basic requirements of a modern 'Smart Port' operation. Along with...
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