Wave Energy Research Centre Weather Archive

The Wave Energy Research Centre (WERC) was established in 2011 by College of the North Atlantic (CNA) to conduct research on the use of ocean wave energy to supply sea water to land based aquaculture. The site in Lord's Cove, NL is fully instrumented for wave and weather data collection and contains a pilot land -based multi-trophic aquaculture farm. The meteorological station at Lord’s Cove is located at 46°52'43.20"N, 55°40'10.32"W near the public wharf in the town of Lord’s Cove NL Canada. The 10 m tower was erected 2 m from one of our buildings approximately 7 m above sea level and 40 m from the high tide line (Fig. 1). Due to local terrain, it was impossible to find a site with ideal fetch for wind measurements. Although there is excellent fetch for the site in the southern half of the compass (at least 200 m over water), there are nearby (approximately 60 m away) terrain features and structures to the north. For this reason, wind measured from the northern quadrants may be site specific and should be interpreted with caution. The station instrumentation includes an RM Young marine anemometer (model # 05106C-10) mounted at 10 m, a Kipp & Zonen silicon pyranometer (model “SP Lite2”) mounted on a horizontal arm 1 m south from the tower centre at a height of 4 m, a "Hydroclip" RH/T sensor (Model HC2-S3-L) mounted on the tower in a 10-plate radiation shield (Campbell Scientific 41003-X) also at a height of 3 m, a Texas Electronics TE525M tipping bucket rain and a RM Young 52202-L heated tipping bucket rain gauge, both mounted at 3.5 m on separate supports 3 m southwest of the tower. Data is collected by a Campbell Scientific CR10X logger powered from a solar-charged battery, isolating the system from AC noise. Data is transmitted every 10 minutes to a computer via VHF radio. The data logger is programmed to take measurements every three seconds and analyze these data over 2-minute (for sustained wind), 10-minute and 24–hour (midnight to midnight) periods. Historical data Fours datasets are available: 1. Daily Lord’s Cove Weather Data 2. Lord’s Cove Weather: 10 Minute Intervals: Retrieves 10-minute weather data between the dates specified. 3. Sustained Winds: Returns sustained (i.e. minimum in 2 minutes) wind speed (Km/hr) every 2 minutes in period. 4. Quick Wind and Temperature: this report returns 10-min vector magnitude and air temperatures between the specified dates and produces simple series plots at the end of the report. (Note: plot does not indicate periods where data is missing).

Access and Use

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Data and Resources



Dataset extent

Metadata Reference Date(s) May 19, 2021 (Publication)
May 19, 2021 (Revision)
Data Reference Date(s) January 25, 2012 (Creation)
May 14, 2013 (Publication)
Frequency of Update As Needed

Responsible Party 1
Justin Elms
College of the North Atlantic
  • Custodian
  • Distributor
  • Owner
Responsible Party 2
Dr. Mike Graham
College of the North Atlantic

Field Value
Ocean Variables Other
Scope Dataset
Status On Going
Maintenance Note Generated from https://cioos-siooc.github.io/metadata-entry-form
Spatial Extent { "coordinates": [ -55.66953, 46.87861 ], "type": "Point" }
North Bounding Latitude 46.87861
South Bounding Latitude 46.87861
East Bounding Longitude -55.66953
West Bounding Longitude -55.66953
Temporal Extent
Vertical Extent
Default Locale English
Included in Data Catalogue
Included in Data Catalogue 1
CIOOS Atlantic